First un-declared International Day of Conscience
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools to close in many parts of the world. While this presents great challenges for parents and educators alike, many will agree that the time has never been more appropriate to engage children in discussions about global sustainability and what we can do as world citizens.
April 5, 2020, marked the FIRST UN-declared International Day of Conscience. To commemorate this occasion, the Federation of World Peace and Love released two coloring pages with illustrations that represent conscience as the compass in our hearts which guide us to do the right things. Children of all ages as well as adults who are young at heart were invited to post photos and/or videos with the completed coloring pages and share what they can do to change the world.
The response has been overwhelming and the messages are full of love and kindness. Eight-year-old Halvard Kung from the USA revealed his ambitious plan to build microscopic robots that would “kill diseases, infections, and cancers.” Nine-year-old Emilie Matthey from the USA came up with a smart slogan; “Stay home. Stop the spread. Save lives.”
Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki, a social officer at Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW), led a group of young children from Central Africa to complete their coloring pages and send messages of love. Ten-year-old Aanya Desham from the USA reminded everyone to “recycle and not litter.”
Eleven-year-old James Wright and his 8-year-old brother Jaxson Wright from the USA pledged to be kind and help one another, and to “respect all people no matter how different they might be.” More submissions can be seen in the photo gallery.