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10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying a House (VIDEO)

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying a House (VIDEO)

Ever since I was a kid I’ve always had a dream of buying and owning my own house. Due to social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic scare, my family and I decided to take stop renting and buy our first house. After putting down the down payment, moving in, and started to do some renovations I realized there were a lot of things I didn’t know about buying a house. I didn’t have a mentor or a relative telling me the dos and don’ts. I made a large number of mistakes that I wish I knew before buying a house.

Purchasing a home doesn’t come with instructions, you won’t know if the roof will come crashing down in a few months or if the base of the house is rooting. Even though we paid an inspector to do a thorough inspection of the home there are still things that are missed or hidden.

1. Loud Noises in the Day and or Night-Time

The neighborhood could be nice and quiet in the daytime but it may be completely different at night. There have been many reports when the new homebuyers purchase a home and didn’t check it at night and it ended up being right next to Frat Party Houses or restaurant that turns bar at night. This could be a serious deal-breaker.

Some homeowners have reported that there was a high-performance shop down the street and there were people burning rubber and racing at all times of the day. This will be a serious problem because of the noise and cars speeding.

2. Hire a Professional Home Inspector to Inspect Every Inch of the House

Hiring a professional home inspector should be your #1 on your ‘to-do list. Having your potential home professionally inspected is so important that if you don’t you could end up paying hundreds of thousands for uninspected mold, water damage, or broken pipelines. There have been many cases where homeowners have hid problems that a house had by covering it with paint or a little concrete and the new homebuyers find out later down the road.

3. Don’t Commit to Something You That’s Too Expensive

Don’t feel like you’re in a hurry to buy a house only because it’s nice. There will be a lot more houses that are nicer. Bills add up quickly and having a house that’s too expensive is a bad thing from the beginning. Always think about the ‘rainy days and how you will be able to get extra income when times get hard.

4. Sign of Plumbing and Water Damage

Water damage is a serious problem that usually takes years to notice the first signs. It will usually start as a broken sewage pipeline and it will slowly leak onto the front or backyard. After it’s been leaking for a few months the sewage will start causing severe water damage or it will leak onto the yard and will cause serious feces and urine smell.

Water damage and roof problems are one of the more serious problems a home can have. Not only is it a big deal it is also very expensive to repair.

5. What Are the Neighbors Saying About the Neighborhood?

Take a look at the type of neighbors the neighborhood has, the last thing you want is to have a great home with neighbors that are extremely nosey or neighbors that call the cops every time you have a BBQ in your backyard. People who’ve been living in the same house or area have seen how the neighborhood has changed over the years. This change can be good or bad, by asking the people who have lived there the longest you will have an idea of where the neighborhood has been and where it’s going in the future.

6. Check for Mold and Mildew

Mold is also known as the silent killer, not only does it cause harm to humans it also severely damages your floorboards and your home’s power joints. When mold first starts to grow it never stops, mold will slowly destroy everything it touches.

Mildew will grow to the fungus causing irritation and allergies. Even though mildew is not as harmful as mold it will eventually become mold over time if left untreated. Both mildew and mold have serious problems to the environment and health. Small children are usually affected first. By adding baking soda and scrubbing the mold and mildew

7. Front and Backyard

A front and or backyard makes a big difference when families have kids and pets. One of the biggest reasons many people purchase their first home is because their family is growing, the small apartment downtown isn’t enough for the growing family. When you go look at homes make sure the front and backyard are big enough for the kids and friends to run in.

A yard comes in handy in the summertime when it’s time to grill and let the kids and dogs run around. A yard will come in handy in the winter when the family can sit around a fire pit and enjoy the chilly weather.

8. Cats and Dogs

One thing families forget to check when looking for a new home is where will the dog run around and where will the cat play. Dogs need to get their energy out just like kids do, with a big backyard the pets will have enough space to play all day. Dogs that can run around will be calmer around families since they will get the energy out. Cats like to sunbathe and will most likely be calm during the day after doing it.

9. Is the Location Near an Airport, Shooting Range, or Night Club?

Location plays a big part in purchasing a home, the last thing a buyer wants to do is think that they found the perfect home for a great price without knowing that LAX airport is half a mile away. The planes will be so loud that sleeping in peace will be impossible.

One thing some new homebuyers don’t think about is the nightlife around the area. They see a pretty house and ignore the rest. It will be pretty hard to ignore the loud drunken people that are coming out of a nightclub at 2 AM every weekend. Or the large gatherings at a tourist hot spot.

10. Check the History of the Property in Depth by Doing This

Get a property history report as soon as possible. This is one of the most important things EVERY new homeowner should take into consideration. When purchasing a home or car we don’t really know the history and where it came from, how the property was treated, has it been salvaged? If the car or house has a rough background you’re the one who will end up paying more in the end. Luckily, there’s an online company that goes by the name “Local Records Office”. The pros at the company Local Records Office generate in-depth property reports for new homeowners. For a small fee of $94, these pros will put together a premium report that includes:

  • Crime report
  • Demographics
  • A paper copy of the deed
  • Foreclosure activity
  • Property details
  • And much more

When I first found out about this company I thought, “this is the answer to the problems many homeowners have” this report tells you what the real estate agent didn’t tell you.

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